Tag Archives: Inalienable Property Rights

Paul Grad for Oregon Governor: The Immorality of Taxing Tips

As Governor of Oregon, I will seek to eliminate the heinous personal income tax, but if I am not successful in that endeavor, then I will seek to eliminate one of the most lowdown, lily-livered taxes I can think of — the tax on tips.

The fact that the Democrats are willing to milk the income of the lowest-paid in our State — the waitresses, couriers and messengers, barbers and low-cost hairstylists, bellhops and deliverymen — in order to finance the opulent pensions of retired State apparatchiks, is a disgrace, and shows their true moral fibre. And the fact that Republicans have stayed mum on this issue, while the poorest Capitalists who vend their labor suffer, shows their true moral fibre also.

The Greens and Progressives have also been silent on this Crime against the Poor, despite their loudly proclaimed championing of the little guy. Probably because they figure they already have those votes in their pockets, so that can avoid dealing with that egregious injustice. But also because they have no sound theory of Individual Property Rights, which Libertarians do have. If they understood the importance of the Natural Right to own Property, with its corollary principles of the Right to Exchange title to your property for title to someone else’s property, and the Right to Give Away your Property, their dogmas would crumble. These two Rights are contained within the Right to Private Property.

Therefore, when I give the waitress or bellhop a tip, I have the Inalienable Right to Give them the entire tip, and they have the Inalienable Property Right to the entire tip. When the State intervenes through the personal income tax to loot both part of my gift, and the part that the waitress was forced at gunpoint to turn over to the State, it has aggressed against both our Inalienable Rights, something Jefferson foresaw would happen and tried to prevent with the Declaration and the Bill of Rights. He was our buddy.

So if you want to get rid of this rotted, lowdown, dastardly portion of the Oregon Income Tax laws, please consider voting for me for Governor on the November ballot. Let’s not tolerate this injustice against the Poor and the Generous any longer.paul 19

Paul Grad, Libertarian Nominee for Oregon Governor, paulgrad4governor.wordpress.com

Paul Grad for Oregon Governor: Outlawing Fluoridation of Water

paul 19As the Libertarian Party Nominee for Governor, appearing on the November ballot, I am adding to my platform a plank pledging to initiate legislation outlawing the adding of fluoride to public drinking water systems, or, if possible, banning its use as a municipal water additive.

In reviewing the scientific arguments on both sides, I find that I would, at the least, come down on the side of the “precautionary principle” in dealing with the fluoride issue, and as Governor, acting under the authority of Article I Section I on the Oregon Constitution, I think I would have the authority to ban its use within the State. Individuals, of course, would continue to exercise their inalienable Right to add it to their own domestic water, but no Government Collective could impose this clear violation and assault against that personal property known as your body.

It is interesting to a Libertarian that that so-called progressive city, Portland, has voted four times against adding it to that city’s water since 1960, while a quarter of Oregonians,living in so-called “conservative” cities, are subject to this communistic assault. The Communists want to force all members of the community to their standards, and their way of life, and fluoridation is a perfect example of that coercive process, justified in the name of public health, even though there is ample evidence to raise doubts not only about its efficacy, but also about its long-term safety. The justifications for using fluoride are the usual Benthamite, pragmatic, “the greatest good for the greatest number” arguments that ‘progressives” and leftists often make for implementing an Individual Rights-violation measure. They always ignore that small group of individuals for which their measures may mean death, or serious illness.

Ramming fluoridation of water down the throats of non-voting children, and voting city residents who don’t want fluoridation, will not be tolerated under my administration. Individuals, of course, will remain free to use it.

If elected, I pledge to either send legislation to the legislature outlawing the governmental addition of fluoride to public drinking water systems, or ban it by executive order under the authority of Article 1 Section 1 (safety of the People).

Let’s abolish this Collectivist assault on our Inalienable Property Rights, and the Rights of non-voting children.

Paul Grad, Libertarian, for Oregon Governor


Paul Grad for Oregon Governor: Smashing the LNG Jordan Cove Project

paul 19As Governor of Oregon I will, if elected, do everything within my legal powers to block the construction of the Liquid Natural Gas Jordan Cove Project, which would strewn pipeline across a valuable swathe of Southern Oregon.

I oppose this project because it is a vile, communistic attempt to overthrow our inalienable Property Rights. It will destroy the real estate values, and the lives and dreams, of countless property owners who have invested a lifetime in building their properties. And now the Corporate Communists, in collusion with the Federal Government, are going to destroy those properties in the name of “eminent domain”, which overthrows the Jeffersonian Bill of Rights.

What distinguishes this project from other pipeline projects in Oregon is that this will initiate a new loading facility on the coast at Coos Bay, while earlier loading projects merely consisted of the conversion of already existing facilities, so that no virgin loading areas were violated. Also, this project is distinguished from earlier projects in that its products are for export and not for domestic consumption .

With its usual Benthamite prejudices, which disregard inalienable property rights — the basis of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights — the Federal-Corporate alliance is touting this as a “net benefit” for the country.

I wonder what the “net benefit” is of overthrowing the U.S. Constitution, and the Libertarian spirit of Thomas Jefferson and the American Revolution? The Communists are creating a society where “they know what is best for the public”, and their analyses will always favor the Corporate Collective over Individual Property Rights. Such governments need to be removed by a vote of the People.

Libertarianism differs from the Democratic and Republican Parties’ dogmas in that it always bases its views on Principles, and not on the Benthamite pragmatism that says that “the greatest good for the greatest number” is the guide by which we should decide issues. Under such a bankrupt “pragmatist” philosophy, it would be perfectly alright to murder the 3% of the population that has red hair, and distribute the plunder of their estates unto the remaining 97% of the people. Pragmatism takes no account of ethics, principle, or the rule of Jeffersonian Law — as you can see in the Jordan Cove Project.

Our Communist, baby-seal clubbing friends North of the Border are used to ripping off their Native Peoples, and now they think they can commit the same crimes against Property Owners in Oregon, in collaboration with the Federal Government. And they will get away with the cozenage if Kitzhaber or Richardson get elected.

Voting for a Democrat or Republican will only guarantee the execution of this heinous, anti-environmental, anti-Capitalist, project. Voting for me, or any other candidate who opposes this project, will be a vote for the defense of the Bill of Rights, of Jeffersonian Republicanistic government, and of the inalienable Property Rights which every Human Being on Earth possesses.

Vote for me, and I will do all I legally can to help stop this egregious violation of our Inalienable Natural Law Property Rights.

This time, vote for Justice.

Paul Grad, Libertarian Party of Oregon Nominee for Governor
