America The Tragic: They Should Have Listened to Ron Paul

It is truly tragic that America has turned into a country where the streets of the great cities look like Calcutta India in 1963, with masses of people living on the street because they have not the warewithal to rent accomodations, as well as pay for other necessities of life like food and toiletries. There have always been skid row areas where, in the old days at least, a certain number of alcoholics, destitute of means, lived out a rude life centering around their obtaining a little drink. But now, when you see the massive number of people sleeping in the streets, or bent over, half asleep, as if bowing to the god they have made of fentanyl, you have to wonder why the Administrations in this country do not take this as a tragic crisis that must be quickly solved, and such indifference to the plight of other human beings testifies to how callous America has become. That so many people can be left in such indifference to rot on the street, while the society around them spends $880 billion on armaments and the military every 365 days (while spending only $12 billion on the EPA, something that will be drastically reversed in RFK Jr. is elected President) it shows both the indifference and also the powerlessness of the average citizen to affect any change in the situation. Many many people would help if they could, but their own lives are so tied down with getting the necessities and dealing with the governmental coercions like jury duty slavery, or having to file tax forms, or a thousand other bureaucratic procedures that suck up so much of the time and energy of the working- or middle-class American, that they have no way of affecting the situation except for voting every four years.

I believe that under RFK Jr., millions of Americans would not be left on the streets in such misery and indifference as they are under the Biden Administration, and in so-called liberal Democratic-run cities and States, like California and Pennsylvania. Go watch the videos of the streets of Kensington district in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love! Or the streets full of people living in tents, or boxes, or just sleeping their stupor off with nothing over them in Los Angeles or Portland. How can a country that spends that much not only on the military, but many other hugely expensive bureaus full of bureaucrats as well, who do a mediocre job, because that is the nature of all bureaucracies, governmental or corporate —how can such a country permit such misery on its streets to persist, day after day.

The US Government owns huge swathes of land. It has the tax revenue to provide these teeming thousands of the destitute with a trailer or small structure, it has vast food stocks in warehouses and actually pays farmers NOT to grow food to keep the prices high for the consumer and the profits bigger for corporate-farming America. The family farmer doesn’t mind either. The US has vast military bases in the US where they trailers could be pitched, and the barracks or some basic sanitary system could easily be installed. Perhaps a washroom for every 20-30 inhabitants. The residents with no serious criminal record could be employed in keeping order in their washhouse environs, and so earn income that would have been paid to a government employee. Residents who did not want something for nothing could volunteer their labor or special skills in exchange for their trailer rental and food allowance, thus avoiding parasitism, which is especially damaging to men.

But while I think RFK Jr would not be indifferent to the plight of these people who are regarded so indifferently by the Biden and State Democrat administrations, the real reason that such a huge number of these people are on the streets like this, is because America did not listen to Congressman Ron Paul, and his message of how Inflation was the real poison that American Society, or any society, must avoid like the plague, and the only way to do that is to have a very limited, or even no, government with a strictly limited area of function, and strictly limited in its spending function, as well as not running deficits, or deficits so miniscule that they were a feeble percent of the total spending. A budget deficit of one hundredth of one percent would have such a feeble impact on inflation that productivity would easily swamp its effect. However, such deficits under the current Biden Administration are a vain dream.

So, the real reason that America has hundreds of thousands of people living in tents and boxes all over the country (and Canada seems no different based on my viewing of the homeless living on the streets of Vancouver) is that it did not elect Ron Paul, nor heed his philosophy.

The great Novelist and Writer, Norman Mailer, once mentioned that the real thing that brought Hitler to power was Inflation, and I agree with that view. In that sense, Ron Paul was the most anti-Nazi politician of the last forty years, for he was the only one who passionately preached the gospel of sound money, and how damaging inflation was to the working man who is trying to save his way out of poverty or a job he hates.

At the same time, RFK Jr. is now the only candidate running for the Presidency with a substantial percentage who is talking about the devastating effect that inflation is having on the small American, and how it is degenerating society through its effects. (Larry Elder is the other, but his poll numbers are insubstantial, unlike his intelligence. Indeed, a Kennedy-Elder ticket, a bipartisan ticket, would probably guarantee Mr. Kennedy against the fate of his father and uncle, at least at the hands of a white supremacist.) Additionally, RFK Jr is an environmental activist lawyer, so as an enviro-libertarian, who believes Capitalism necessitates a relatively clean and pristine environment, I am thrilled that he is finally combining Ron Paul’s views on inflation, with the radical environmentalist’s concern for preserving the Earth. America finally has a Choice, not an Echo, for the first time since Ron Paul last ran for President in 2012, which was America’s last shot at avoiding the chaos of today.

But let us remember that we would not even have this economic problem and homeless crisis that RFK Jr seems to be aware of, if the country had listened to Ron Paul and either elected him or adopted his economic policies. After all, Ron Paul has not been the only libertarian-leaning politician in America in the last two score years, but he has surely been the most radical.

So kudos to Ron Paul and RFK Jr. (and even Larry Elder!) for trying to steer America from its’ now-tragic path.

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