Monthly Archives: February 2020

Abortion: An Undiscussed Aspect

One of the issues surrounding abortion which I have never, ever heard mentioned is this: in the event that a widespread epidemic decimated almost all of the Human species, would abortion then be a crime?

In other words, if an epidemic wiped out 99.85% of Humanity, and there were ten million people left on earth, would abortion in that case be a crime because it could be viewed as endangering the continuity of the species?

If the world had ten million people left, while overpopulation would no longer be an immediate issue, there would be a huge dearth of human beings, and skilled human beings, to do both the grunt work and the highly specialized work that would continue the comfort level of humans which existed prior to the epidemic.

Indeed, could the human race survive if there were only ten million people left?

Under such circumstances I could envision pro-abortion activists possibly changing their position, since the survival of the human race would now have to be factored into every abortion decision.

And what if there were only 100 people left on earth? Under such circumstances, should a woman be able to abort a completely healthy fetus after six months?

Perhaps these novel aspects of the abortion issue will be discussed by those who ceaselessly debate it.

— Paul Grad

The Solution to Global Warming: What the Environmentalists Will Never Call For

What actions are needed to stop global warming if it is actually occurring, and I think it is, are twofold, but these revolutionary actions will never be called for by the Environmentalists because they are too radical even for most of them.

It is clear that two actions are immediately necessary for the world has probably gone past the tipping point thanks to the feckless world leaders who would never call for the measures I am proposing, and the “Envirowimps” whose other name is “Compromise”.

The two actions I speak of that must occur are, firstly, an end to logging of live trees worldwide, and a vigorous replanting of native trees in regions that have been deforested.

Secondly, an end to meat eating, which not only produces methane from the belching and flatulence of those animals raised to be slaughtered, but uses up huge quantities of grain, the exhaust from fuel used to power the tractors and machinery that grow that grain, and lastly the huge amount of refrigeration and refrigerant needed to keep all that flesh from rotting.

These two absolutely necessary actions have not been called for by the Environmentalists. They prefer their “carbon tax”, which will permit these necessary two actions to be put off indefinitely, and which will permit livestock and logging companies to offload the damage they do onto the general taxpayer, just as Obamacare shifted the cost of medical care necessitated by meat eating from those who eat meat and live a generally unhealthy lifestyle, to those who take their health seriously and rarely need a doctor.

Likewise, the fact that live trees are carbon-banks that store some of the extra CO2 that is probably the main driver of global temperature rises will not be mentioned by the politicians and the environmental establishment groups. It is so clear that logging a healthy live tree is to destroy one of the solutions to global warming, but neither the Envirowimps, nor the “progressive” politicians will ever say such a radical sentence as “ban logging for 40 years”.

So, because of their cowardice and feckless compromises, the Earth will continue to heat up, the sea levels will rise inundating Santa Monica and Venice, and the politicians will talk of the “tragedies” of Paradise California and Sydney Australia — the same politicians in California, Oregon, and Washington (all Democrats) who have deforested the West Coast of America. Jerry Brown, John Kitzhaber, Grey Davis, Kate Brown, Gavin Newsom, and the rest of the politicians will never sit in the dock of a courtroom for all the environmental destruction and deforestation that has gone on under their “Administrations”.

But in the court of Public Opinion they, along with the passive environmentalists, will one day be judged as guilty of helping to destroy the planet Earth.

That is, if there are any humans left to sit on that jury.

—Paul Grad, Enviro-vegan Libertarian, Libertarian Party of Oregon Nominee 2014

The Iowa Caucus, or The Incompetence of The Democratic Socialists

Reading over the statistical inconsistencies in the Iowa Caucus pointed out today by NBC News’ Election Division, one is bound to have many a good laugh at the expense of these incompetent Democratic Socialists. They run their elections with all the competence with which Stalin ran the USSR. And here, all these true believers in the Democratic Party in Iowa have gone through all this personal effort to caucus, to wait months in anxious anticipation of the event, and then to have it completely spoiled by the party that they are so committed to. It really shows how incompetent are the individuals in the Democratic Party bureaucracy, as incompetent as the horrendous candidates they are offering to the public.

As so, with just 1/10th of a percentage separating the cyphers Buttigieg and Sanders, the entire validity of the election has been ruined.

NBC pointed out that in 4.5% of the precincts, there were unexplainable inconsistencies which have ruined any possible result. For example, where there were more votes in the second round than the first, although that is impossible, and if anything, there would have been less votes as some voters for lower tier candidates who were eliminated after the first round would have left the caucus and not voted in the second round.

In another example, there were 61 votes in the first round, but 339 in the second! NBC suggests that only the lower tier candidates votes had been counted in the first round, and there was no way to know how the voters who wanted the second round candidates had voted.

So, in a nutshell, the Democrat Socialists have ruined their first attempt at an election, and perhaps tainted the entire selection process if Sanders and Buttigieg were, Heaven forfend!, the top two contenders.

If the Democrat Socialists run their elections and Obamacare like this, then the US will be in for a very bad time if they come into power.

The Libertarian Economist-Philosophers, especially Hayek and Rothbard, have discussed the inevitability of incompetence in any large bureaucracy, be it governmental or private, because the worst rise to the top in any bureaucracy (incompetence at corporations is very similar to incompetence in the government). With this last debacle of the Democratic Socialists’ Iowa Caucus, we have a glaring text-book example of that phenomenon.

— Paul Grad, Libertarian Party of Oregon Gubernatorial Nominee 2014